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The first getaway for you and your baby.

Postnatal retreat for
expert care in crucial first weeks

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Everyone talks about the birth, but what happens after?

For too long, we’ve ignored one of the most challenging yet crucial periods in motherhood: the first few weeks after birth. Designed to support the transition into parenthood, Ahma & Co offers a postnatal retreat in which you can solely focus on your recovery, bond with your newborn, and gain the knowledge and support to do the right thing for you and your growing family.

Discover Our Retreat

Even as the mother is physically and mentally recovering from the miracle of birth, she’s expected to perfectly fulfill the duties of a mom, knowing exactly what to do, enduring sleepless nights and overwhelming changes with little to no help. Our retreat aims to address this challenge and normalize high-quality, round-the-clock care for both the baby and the mother, in the crucial first weeks.
Your Home Away From Home
Welcome to your new home. At our retreat, you won't need to worry about any household chores - you can count on us to take care of them for you, and even go beyond to ensure that you can focus on what's important.
Delicious, nutritious meals 3x/day
Spacious, comfortable rooms (535 sq. ft.), private to you, your partner, and your little one
Room cleaning and turndown services so you can focus on your recovery
A Safe Haven
We mean it when we say that we' want to prioritize your recovery. In our peaceful bubble, you will have 24/7 access to our experts and can rest assured that you and your newborn will be taken care of. Go ahead & get a head start on your process of recovery and bonding with your baby.
Comprehensive, high quality care for you and your little one by vetted experts
Safe space to ask questions and connect with other moms in the same stage of motherhood
Thoughtful Touches of Modern Luxuries
We do more than the minimum. Just as your baby deserves the best, so do you - so, massage away that backpain, indulge in a foot bath, and take a walk alongside the beach on the 175-acre resort. You've earned it all.
Foot baths, sitz baths and postpartum massages included; full spa available for indulging
175-acre resort including private beach club, golf, and more
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The Importance of Proper Postpartum Care

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for a revolution in postnatal care.

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EP 1. Shaniece:
Learning to Be Your Best Advocate

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ahma & Co?

Through our postpartum retreats and additional services, we provide the dedicated setting, community, and education to help mothers and parents navigate the crucial first weeks of postpartum and beyond.

Designed to support the transition into parenthood, our retreat offers a peaceful haven in which mothers can focus on their recovery, receive 24/7 guidance and support for newborn care, and start their motherhood journey with the appropriate knowledge and village.

We're currently getting ready to open our first retreat in Orange County, CA, in March. We will be announcing the details to our waitlist in a few weeks, but in the meantime, we encourage you to visit Our Services page for more information, take advantage of our resources, and follow us on Instagram for digestible content. Please make sure to join our waitlist so that you can be the first to know the details.

What does the name mean?

Ahma, meaning “mother” in various languages, carries a double meaning: it consists of one syllable each from the Korean words for baby and mother, “Ahgi” and “Umma.” Co stands for community – what we believe to be of the utmost importance for a mother’s successful transition into motherhood.  

Ahma & Co embodies our ideal of celebrating baby, mother, and community individually and together, highlighting the synergy that will allow the mother to step into the next chapter of her life with the proper support that she deserves. To learn more about our inspiration, please check out our our story.

What services do you provide?

At our postnatal retreat, we provide the following services:

1. Recovery Support for Mothers: Your healing and recovery is our priority. Our expert care team will ensure that you are healing properly, you won't have to worry about any chores (we'll handle it!), and nutritious meals will be delivered right to your room.

2. Newborn Care: A loving mother can still ask for help, especially if she's still recovering from labor. Our experienced newborn care experts and lactation educators will guide you in every step of the process to remove the guesswork and assure you that you’re doing the right thing. You're always welcome to room in with your baby, but when you need your rest, our nursery will welcome and take care of your little one.

3. Education & Community: Just as you prepare for your little one’s arrival beforehand, we encourage mothers to prepare for postpartum well in advance of your due date. As you prepare for your transition into motherhood, we will work with you to demystify postpartum, walk you though exactly what to expect, and involve your support system (whether it be your partner, family, or friends) to develop into your best champions for the challenging time. Once you arrive at our retreat, you will also meet a community of other moms in the same exact stage of motherhood as you, so you can lean on them (and on us) for every step of the way.

As we prepare for the launch of our retreat, we encourage you to join our community by taking advantage of our podcast and articles, following us on Instagram for digestible content and tips, and joining our waitlist to be the first to know for whatever move we make next.

You mentioned that your services are rooted in Korean postpartum care – does that mean that they’re only offered to Korean mothers?

Not at all! We are devoted to supporting all mothers and birthgiving individuals, regardless of their cultural background, ethnicity, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Our primary goal is to raise awareness around the challenges of postpartum and empower mothers to tackle a significant and valuable chapter in their lives with more clarity and knowledge.

Is my partner allowed to stay with me in the retreat?

Absolutely! Although you will have ample support from our experts, we strongly believe that partners should be just as involved in the recovery and transition process. For those able, we encourage them to stay with our mothers and partake in all of our newborn care trainings so that they can feel just as prepared to jump into the baby duties.
